The Supreme Council of Institutes is competent to consider the following :​
  • Setting the general policy of the institutes in light of the general planning of higher education.
  • The approval of the internal regulations of the institutes with regard to the duration of the study, its academic decisions, its scientific content, its scientific sections and its people, the conditions of acceptance of stud​ents, the levels of faculty members, the examination systems and the detailed conditions for awarding diplomas, diplomas and certificates granted by the institutes.​
  • Studying the proposals for establishing new institutes in light of the general planning of education according to the needs of the country of each type.
  • To express its opinion on the applications submitted to transfer the Institute from its headquarters on the proposal of the Board of Directors of the Institute.
  • Proposing the subsidy granted to the Higher Private Institute.
  • Managing the special high institutes fund and establishing the regulations required by the work of the Fund.
  • Discussing the report prepared by the head of the technical education sector at the end of each academic year on the affairs of institutes, in the light of reports received from various institutes.
  • To express the opinion of the President of the Council on other matters.
  • The Board's decisions shall be notified within eight days from the date of issue thereof to all competent authorities for their implementation.

The Board shall consist of among its members or others committees for the specific sectors of the institutes as follows :

  1. Commercial Institutes Sector Committee.
  2. Committee of the Industrial and Engineering Institutes Sector.
  3. Agricultural Institutions Sector Committee.
  4. Sector Committee of Social Service Institutes.
  5. Committee of the Sector of Tourism and Antiquities Institutes.
  6. Media Sector and General Studies Sector Committee.